Fitting Studio

Opening Hours

  • Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pm
  • Sun: Closed

Phone Number

Email Address

You're welcome to visit us

We are always delighted for customers to visit us at our Fitting Studio.
Located on the outskirts of the scenic town of Peebles, our Fitting Studio is a relaxing haven away from the hustle and bustle of the high street shops.

Fitting Studio

The Experience

Personal service, expert advice and relaxed surrounding combine to make visiting James Inglis the highlight of your day. Your personal assistant can measure you accurately, guide you through the extensive range of footwear we sell and give you advice while you sit back, relax and enjoy a complimentary cup of tea or coffee. Most importantly, there's no pressure.

We don't just want to sell you shoes; we want to sell you shoes that fit!

Free Parking
Disabled Access
Toilet Facilities
Free WiFi

Please make an appointment

While appointments are not necessary, we do advise making one to ensure the best service.

Travelling a distance to see us?

If you would like to try on a particular style please check availability prior to making an appointment.

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